If you thought every time you saw someone on their mobile phones, they were on social media, you’re only partly correct. Social media has such a long list of types of content and features to interact with, saying you’re on social media doesn’t convey very much information.

If you really want to create content for your marketing strategy that fits into people’s regular usage, you need to know exactly what they’re doing.

They could be watching a livestream (like Sliced Bread Live), reading their favourite website, scrolling through photos, watching videos, rifling through tweets, watching their favourite shows or a movie, playing a game, or even colouring. Yes, like a colouring book.

Think about it. If you know what people are looking for, then you know what to give them. Get it?

According to research conducted by Visual Capitalist, people spend most of their time (49%) looking at video. That’s across the following apps in decreasing order: Youtube, TikTok, Facebook video, Instagram, Netflix and the nefarious “Other”.

Up to 2021, Netflix only gets 4% of all mobile video traffic, which is less than 2% of all mobile traffic.

Youtube however, is where it’s really at. Yes, this is another reason why you should be creating video content. (And we can help you. 😉 )

23% of all mobile phone use/traffic is consumed by Youtube.

Visual Capitalist

This dwarfs all websites (in the world) combined with all messenger apps. Video is killing it.

That doesn’t mean to put all of your eggs in the Youtube basket however. If 23% is using their platform, 76% of the time, people are elsewhere. If the Facebook/Instagram/Whatsapp outage of October 2021 taught us anything, it taught us that we should learn to use multiple platforms.

2021 taught us to invest in more than one platform for marketing
Like Twitter

Here’s an infographic showing the full breakdown, because we know you’re itching to dig in further.

World's most used apps

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